So Im nearing completion, have almost all items and still need to beat a few secret levels... But Im having trouble staying motivated knowing that Im just collecting money... money I cant use to buy anything, why am I still collecting money? Why am I opening chests with money in them in super hard levels? Whats the point of beating those levels if Im just getting more useless money? Why make a secret level with only money in it? Why make all the purchased items so weak and cheap? Why am I still playing? Throw me a bone here... Yes I like that its hard but I guess what Im saying is, once Ive seen a whole secret level, opened both money-filled chests (useless!!) and then died at the end, theres no reason for me to go back and beat it, not unless theres a sick new item to be found. Poor game flow near the end guys!!!
Andeeceepee about Goblin Sword, v1.5